It wasn’t a special day. It wasn’t a grand occasion. It wasn’t met with great fanfare.
Instead it was an ordinary trip to the well on an ordinary day. But on this particular day, young Rebekah so impressed Abraham’s servant, the man sent by the wealthy patriarch to find a suitable mate for Isaac.
What impresses me about Rebekah—and what likely impressed Abraham’s servant—was Rebekah’s spirit of servanthood. Let’s think about this. Like most young girls, she took at least two trips to the well, one in the morning and one in the evening. It was a routine she’d carried out thousands of times. Lower the bucket deep into the well, bring it back up again, fill up the heavy clay pot, hoist it on her shoulder, and make her back to her home.
On this particular day, she was probably tired from a long day’s work. She probably wasn’t in a very talkative mood. She was probably hoping to get her pot filled and get it home.
But there was something different about Rebekah. Rebekah had the heart of a servant. Her eyes reached beyond her own circumstances and saw the needs of others. With aching arms, she lowered that bucket into the well several times, filled her pot, and fed the thirsty camels of Abraham’s servant.
This is what I wrote in my book, Teen People of the Bible:
Anyone can primp or get to looking mighty fine for a first date. Anyone can put on his or her best behavior for a teacher or coach. Anyone can freshen up for an important interview. But what about those chance encounters when you're caught off guard? If people saw you on an ordinary day, would they be impressed? Would they see something different about you?
I don’t know about you, but I’ve gotten pretty good at impressing the “important people” in my life. But who am I on an ordinary day at the well? At the office? At home on a weekend? In the car on the interstate?
Does the spirit of Christ shine through me? Can people see something different? Something attractive?
It is in these nitty gritty routines of life where we are most tested. This is where God comes to us with opportunity for growth.
Rebekah was ready. Are you?
By Daniel Darling, CBN
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