Although they tell me you’re not a real person - a piece of
tissue - a blob - not yet alive - I know you are a life from God
I feel you growing inside me, moving,
stretching and kicking
You respond to the sound of my voice and sometimes I find
myself talking to you
Yes, I am young, and the choices I made have altered the
direction I must go
Once looking forward to prom, I now await motherhood
Once looking forward to the care free season of youthful
fun, I must now schedule around a new born
Once looking forward to having so many options, now I must
I never imagined it would be like this – my body changing - oh how I wish
Hopefully my family will stand by me because this is so
These are the thoughts of a young mother to be – hopefully
it will help you see
The choices you make affect your destiny
Enjoy your time under the sun – the carefree season of
youthful fun
By P. Osborn
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