Mother Of 2-year-old Sexual Assault Victim: “They Told Me There Was Nothing I Could Do.”
Restoring All Things Girls, "This story broke my heart. It is hard to believe that someone could commit such a heinous act towards a child. I have read many stories over the years of girls/women who entrust the care of their young child to the boyfriend, who unfortunately violates that trust. Please give careful thought and prayer to anyone entrusted with the care of your child. Please pray for this family, especially the mother for Gods peace in this situation as she deals with loss of this precious baby".
“You don’t look at a child like that. That’s wrong,” said the victim’s aunt, Sabrina Cudjo. “All my sister was trying to do was better herself and get on her feet. And you do this and now everything is crumbling for us,”

“By the time I got here, my baby was on her back foaming at her mouth,” Keah said. “The first thing I did was ran to my baby screaming for someone to take me to the hospital.” She called 911 and waited.
“I’m trying to get my baby to breath. I’m sitting there crying, holding her in my hands. She’s not breathing. They are trying to bring her back for an hour,” Keah said. Sheleah was pronounced dead at the hospital.
According to the medical examiner, she sustained internal injuries and other injuries that indicated sexual assault. As a result, she lost a large amount of blood.
Justin Lawson pictured below has been charged in the 2-year-old’s death.
(Picture removed)
just want to know why did he do my baby like that,” she said. Keah says she’s
known Lawson since they were kids, and they only recently started dating. She
can’t make sense of the charges, or the fact that her little girl is gone. “He
loved them. He showed affection toward them. I don’t know if he was on drugs,
or what, to just trigger his emotions,” she said. Everyone is trying to deal
with the loss.
want him dead. I want him to suffer the same way Auntie’s baby suffered.
Because you don’t do a 2-year-old like that. That’s wrong,” Sabrina Cudjo said.
Lawson has been charged with first-degree murder and rape.
family is in the process of planning Sheleah’s funeral. A GoFundMe account has been created to help pay for the
burial service of baby Shaleah.
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