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Is MakeUp Deceptive?

 Is there something deceptive about makeup? I believe it is a topic worth exploring. My interest in this topic awakened after receiving a makeup kit which a family member ordered for me online.  When the item arrived the name on the kit gave me an uneasy feeling because I understood the meaning of the name.  Dismissing the feeling I went ahead and used the makeup I had anxiously waited for. But the Lord brought it to my remembrance again and this time I could not ignore.

The Beauty Industry in the US, which includes hair care and skincare, is a 445 billion market (Forbes, May 2017). The US has the largest cosmetic market in the world. It was expected in 2016 to exceed 62 billion in revenue and is expected to maintain positive growth through 2018, (Market 2016)

In the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which regulates cosmetics, defines cosmetics as “intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body’s structure or functions”.

As a believer in Jesus (Yeshua) anything that alters one's appearance be it drugs or alcohol, is not a spirit which comes from God. I was taught the purpose of makeup is to enhance one's appearance not to alter. I don’t know if anyone has noticed lately the number of makeup tutorials online which feature both women and men. The number is staggering.There may be some who feel I am reading more into this than I should but words have meanings.

Alter – to change, make different or modified

British dictionary defines alter – to make or become different in some respect; change

Makeup is not as easily identifiable as it is a person who is drug addicted or intoxicated because its actions are not hidden.  Makeup, however, is subtle, subdued, overlooked and it is a mask which hides the true you.  Primarily what we are witnessing is self-loathing and a demonic attack against the image of God since we are created in His image.  Instead of focusing on how to deal with disappointment, pain or rejection, we choose to cover up/mask.  You begin to cover yourself with something that is not you to hide what you feel are your inadequacies.  Heavy makeup, Botox injections into the eye, lips, cheeks and cosmetic surgery alter your appearance. It can change your appearance to the degree that you become unrecognizable. When you dramatically alter your appearance you are essentially saying what God gave you is not good enough and so you need to improve upon His model.

The origins of makeup date back to ancient Egyptians, who were the first women to wear makeup.  Men and women alike were known to wear makeup, which they believed gave them the protection of their gods Horas and Ra.  The Egyptians believed their makeup had magical healing powers. The Egyptian god Horas was in the form of a falcon, whose right eye was the sun or morning star, representing power and quintessence. The left eye was the moon or evening star representing healing. Ra represents sunlight, warmth, growth and is depicted in human form. He had a head like a falcon, which is crowned with a sun disc encircled by a sacred cobra named Uraeus. 
 This same spirit is still operating in modern society.  Makeup is still used to bring healing and protection to the distorted image that some see in the mirror. If we cannot love our self how then can we love others?  The Bible says “you shall love thy neighbor as thyself” (Matthew 22:39) And if we can’t love our self, how then can we receive the one who died for our sins? Jesus is in the scripture is described as one having no form or comeliness and no beauty that we should desire Him (Isaiah 53:2). Ultimately, there must be something within us that desires to connect to His heart. It’s not based on our outward appearance, what we have or do not have.

 The deception of makeup is when we pay more attention to making our outward appearance perfect, instead of our heart perfect with God.  I am not saying it is wrong to wear makeup because I do wear makeup. I want the people of God to be aware of the spirit of it.  


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