Ruth 4:13-17
So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife; and when he went into her, the Lord gave her conception, and she bore a son. Then the women said to Naomi, “Blessed be the Lord, who has not left you this day without a close relative; and may his name be famous in Israel! And may he be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age; for your daughter-in-law, who loves you, who is better to you than seven sons, has borne him.” Then Naomi took the child and laid him on her bosom, and became a nurse to him. Also, the neighbor women gave him a name, saying, “There is a son born to Naomi.” And they called his name Obed. He is the father of Jesse, the father of David.
Recently my mother asked me to take on the responsibility of managing her personal affairs. I was already doing so, at a distance (looking over her shoulders), as not to offend or make her feel as if she is incapable of handling her own affairs. Hearing my mom say those words was a sobering moment for me, totally unexpected. Her words stopped me in my tracks. I looked at her and she was fine. I think it was just me having a moment. The Lord quickly gave me peace and let me know that it was not about me, but about my mom trusting Him.
Although my mother has relinquished to me the managing of her affairs, the transition has not been an easy one. I am daily asking God for patience and daily repenting for the lack of patience. At times I need an attitude adjustment as I try to navigate between what she wants and what I feel is best. I am sure for her letting go has been a process. This precious lady raised four children
I am thankful to God that my mom is in good health at age 80, soon to be 81, Praise the Lord. I believe my mother has come to a place in her life where she simply does not want to do certain things anymore. She has learned to pick and choose the things she likes to do and have fun with it. It is a well-deserved blessing and I am happy to see her enjoy life. We are presently trusting God to relocate to the South in order to be near her sisters.
There will be times when you are called upon to do things you may not necessarily feel prepared to do or want to do. I don’t know what it feels like to be elderly and depend on someone to manage my affairs, or to be sick and need someone to take care of me or to
raise children on my own. Since I do not know these things, I must depend on God’s grace and His goodness to come alongside me, and to give me wisdom and patience for the journey ahead. Perhaps you have not been in either of these situations or perhaps you are there now. Whatever it may be, embrace the moment. I’m not saying it will be easy and I certainly do not want to paint a rosy picture. As with anything in life, there are mountain tops and valley experiences, but in the midst of it all, we can trust God to be with us. Years from now I want to look back on this time with no regrets and know within my heart I was a kind and loving daughter.
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