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Don't Believe the Hype

Have you ever felt as if your life was going around in circles?  You try to move forward, but circumstances keep you at bay whether it is finances, fear, doubt, or the task seems impossible.  It can bring you to the point of frustration, which can be a good thing or a bad thing. I refer to frustration as a two sided coin. Frustration can cause you to make hasty decisions or it can cause you to question and search for answers. I am acquainted with the feeling of life going around in circles because I use to be that person.  I tend to believe that everything in your life serves a purpose, even frustration. God can use anything to redirect your steps and change your life.
 “1 Corinthians 1:27 - But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty”.

The revelation as to why I believed my life was going around in circles did not come to me overnight. But, when it did come the truth exposed me and set me free.  It gave me the freedom to step outside my norm and I could finally see the areas of my life  that were not surrendered to God. The truth is for years I believed God was leading me to do something outside of my comfort zone, something completely different, but when faced with adversity I would give up. I allowed fear, doubt, lack of finances and my own pre-conceived ideas to sidetrack me. I didn’t understand it at the time, but God was trying to get me to trust Him. I tried to figure it out, work it out and convince myself that my change was going to come. This went on for years and God often brought the matter before me, but I did not comprehend it, which kept me going around in circles.  Change comes when we are willing to listen to what God is saying to us and surrender to it. Thank God for His love, mercy and patience. He endures with us even when we are clueless.

The children of Israel had the same problem. Many of you know the account of Moses sending men to spy out the land God was giving to the children of Israel. While the men were spying out the land, they saw the descendants of Anak (Giants), who lived on the land. After 40 days of spying out the land, the men returned to Moses bringing with them some of the fruit of the land as Moses had requested (grapes, pomegranates, and figs). Two of the twelve spy’s brought back a good report saying, “Let us go at once we can take the land” . While the other ten spies gave an evil report saying, “No we are not able to take the land. The people  who live there are great in stature and it is a land that devours its inhabitants”. The people wept and murmured against Moses and Aaron saying, “If only we had died in the land of Egypt. Or if only we had died in this wilderness”. As a result God wanted to destroy the people, but Moses interceded on their behalf. God did not destroy them, but said this generation shall not cross over into the new land only their children shall cross over. God caused them to wander in the wilderness for 40 years until that whole generation, 20 years of age and older had died. Joshua and Caleb were the only two spies out of 12 to cross over into the new land because they brought back a good report. Please read the full account in Numbers chapters 13 & 14.

What is noteworthy about the spies is that they saw the giants, but the giants did
not see them. It dosen't make sense. How can a group of men go undetected for such a long period of time? You would think someone would be alerted by the movement of these men foraging through the woods. I believe it was Gods hand of protection over the land and the spies. The land was given to the children of Israel by God and with it His hand of protection. If only the ten spies had reverence and trusted God they would have received His favor.  

It is the same with us today. God is asking us to trust Him and not lean on our own understanding. We will always see giants before us, but do not let it stop you from trusting God. Giants are intimidating and they use their stature to subdue you. They want you to believe that they alone are all powerful and bigger than our God, but don’t believe the hype. Giants come to devour your faith, hope, and dreams. They keep you from crossing over while they rob you of your inheritance. You do not have to live your life going around in circles or be frustrated. It is not about our circumstances, but it is about us surrendering to God and trusting Him to orchestrate the affairs of our life. The God we serve is mightier, greater and bigger than any giant you will ever face.


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