Have you ever found yourself in a situation
and wondered how you ever get there? This is my madness story.
A person whom I work with is very territorial about their work assignments. This person. becomes very angry when someone changes anything without their permission. Even with permission the person is still angry and nasty. In our line of work it is important for us to work together and communicate so we can be productive in getting the work out in a timely manner
since assignments are time sensitive.
The process becomes hindered when there is opposition from a team player.
If you don’t believe bad company corrupts good morals, listen to this. On a
daily basis I observed this negative behavior and would become annoyed by it. Then one day I heard myself and I sounded
like my angry team mate. The sad part is
that others heard me and came over to me and told me I sounded like our angry
neighbor, madness madness. My feelings were hurt and I
felt so ashamed. I quickly repented and
asked God to forgive me; and apologized to the person I did not show kindness
to. The Lord spoke this to my heart, “Let
it go. You do not own this job or anything associated with it. You are
a caretaker over what I have entrusted to you. All things belong to me”.
Psalms 24 came to mind.
Thank God for setting me free and exposing this sin
in my life. I was not aware it was there
and not quite sure how I got there. I am generally a quiet person and it takes
a lot to get me upset. Believe me friends being angry and mad all the time is
not a good thing. It is detrimental to your health and robs you of peace and
joy. Peace is a blessing. Do not allow
anyone to rob of you Hope, Peace and Joy. Void of these three things in life
produces madness.
Let go my soul and trust in Him. The waves and winds still know His name – A
line taken from a song I sing and it blesses me.
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