The winter has been long. T he ice is thick and there is no movement. Nothing is stirring. It is snowing. S uddenly something begins to stir on the inside. I sense life renewing its self and I hear a still small voice say, “It’s time to move forward with life”. My life was like a boat docked due to inclement weather. I obeyed the still small voice to move forward. So, I readied myself to pull out. I started up the motor and put the boat in forward gear, but something was preventing me from moving. Then I put the gear in reverse, then back to forward gear to loosen the grip of the snow and ice, but there was no movement. The only thing I could think to do next is to wait and allow the motor to run a while. After sometime of waiting, I tried again to move forward. This time something happened. The boat broke free on the port side. Wow! I did it again and the boat broke free on the s...
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