Greetings all in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord What a beautiful fall morning it is. I love the crisp weather and the colorful fall landscape. There is something about fall that is quieting and peaceful. It always puts me in the mood to bake, make homemade soup or have a hot cup of tea. Psalms 16:5-7 O Lord , You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup;You maintain my lot. The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;Yes, I have a good inheritance. Since the passing of my father in April, my family have faced many challenges. The challenges, however, are self-inflicted as a result of family members not listening to one another and the other part is just plain greed. Our dad would be heartbroken to know that his children were at odds over money. It is a sad thing to witness and my heart at times is grieved. I continue to pray for my siblings to surrender their heart totally to God and for God to reveal himself to them...
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